About Scot Pet Shop

Scot-Petshop Buiding Oscar at Eilean Donan Castle

logovsmall Our website and shop is for everyone who loves, looks after or cares for dogs.  If you are a dog lover we can supply you with everything required to keep your furry friend happy.

Scot-Petshop was originally founded in 2004 by Heather Smith.  I have always loved all animals, especially cats and my dream was to work within the pet industry.  With a business and management background and with the internet starting to take off an online Pet Shop seemed like the perfect choice.

We now have a fabulous team of passionate animal lovers working within Scot-Petshop and we work hard to provide all our customers and their pets with a professional yet personal service.

At the request of our valued customers our sister site Poo Bags Direct was launched in October 2013 stocking our own range of biodegradable dog waste bags.

Scot-Petshop do supply Business to Business

The majority of our sales are direct to home customers but Scot-Petshop are also proud to supply public sector and private sector businesses. Procurement negotiations are a growing part of our business model so inquiries are welcome for low and high volume requirements.

Scot-Petshop, ‘the brand’

As a brand, ‘Scot-Petshop’ is your local online pet shop for all your pet’s needs.

Although we have grown over the years as a business we continue to look at ourselves as a cottage style family business. Our goal from the beginning has been to provide all our customers with an exceptional, informative yet personal shopping experience so they will return to us time and time again.

We all love working as part of the Scot-Petshop team.  We love to learn about the products we stock and always get excited when we decide to stock a new range.  Since 2007 we have manufactured our own range of Biodegradable Dog Poop Bags, Scot-Petshop Dog Poo Bags are now the UK No1 choice in Biodegradable Dog Waste Bags.  Since the launch of our sister site Poo Bags Direct last year we have introduced our Biodegradable Poo Bags On A Roll and further products are due to be added to our range in 2015.

pet shop banner     Poo Bags Direct

Working for myself has been very hard yet personally rewarding, the first few years disappeared working 24/7 however today I have a better work life balance and more time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life like walking the dog, cuddling the cat and spending more time with family and friends.

I love my business and have a great team of dedicated staff that create a nice happy place to work. Scot-Petshop works efficiently as a business, freeing up time for us all to live life and enjoy the world around us. We no longer live to work! We work to live.

Scot-Petshop has a Facebook and Twitter page so this is where we will advertise our new products, tell you about our adventures and have some fun so make sure you ‘like us’ and send us a friend request.

Nearly forgot to introduce our chief product testers

oscar bale    Kara  Ocsar & Fudge
Scot-Petshop is a secure site that takes data security very seriously both on-line and offline.

All payment processing is secure. No customer information is ever made available to a third party.

Scot-Petshop  have quality products at an affordable price. If we cannot get the right product at the right price we don’t even list it for availability!

Please feel free to have a look around and contact us with any questions.

If you require a VAT receipt please ask.

VAT registration number VAT No GB 936 1229 28

Registered In Scotland Company Number SC 375420

Shop on-line or call us now on 01506 444868 your local online pet shop for all your pets needs.

Enter Shop




c/o Global Trading UK Ltd
Unit 364 Walton Summit Road
Walton Summit

Online – 24/7
Warehouse/Office – 9 – 5 Mon to Friday

Office – +44 (0)1772 334 936
Mobile – 07810350902
